Nie dorayaki
Pancake Mix rasanya memang byk dijual, kalau nak senang boleh beli saja yg tu. Maisya selalunya buat sendirilah adunannya...nie antara resepi yg pernah maisya gunakan.
recipe posted in FNR by sis blackmore
100gm flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp sugar
1 egg
125ml milk
1 tbsp melted butter - disejukkan
...tepung...baking powder dan gula disatukan...masukkan telur dan susu dan kacau adunan hingga rata...kemudian masukkan butter cair tadi...kacau hingga rata...
...panaskan kuali non-stick......curahkan sesenduk adunan ini dan masak macam biasa lerrr...
Resepi yg sis blackmore bagi tu asalnya dari Nigella Lawson...tapi cari kat internet jumpa yg lain sikit dari tu...yg ni tak pernah cuba lagi tapi saja nak simpan, boleh try lain kali
American Breakfast Pancakes
copied from
How to Be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking
By Nigella Lawson
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
1 1/3 cups milk
butter for frying
Nigella writes: "The easiest way to make these is to put all the ingredients into a blender and blitz. But if you do mix up the batter by hand in a bowl, make a well in the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar, beat in the eggs, melted butter, and milk, and transfer to a pitcher: it's much easier to pour the batter into the pan that to spoon it. I like to leave the batter for 20 minutes before using it; you may then want to add more milk to the mixture if you're frying in the blini pan, so that it runs right to the edges. When you cook the pancakes, all you need to remember is that when the upper side of the pancake is blistering and bubbling it's time to cook the second side, and this needs only about 1 minute, if that. 1 get 11 blini-sized pancakes out of this, maybe 16 silver-dollar sized ones on the griddle." Yang ni guna resepi dari Japanese website
Pancake (equal to 1 packet of pancake mix=200g) - for 2 person
150g cake flour
40g sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
Mix all ingredients
untuk bancuhan pancake:
1 egg(medium size)
150 ml milk/water
Whisk egg and milk, add the flour mixture. Do not overmix.
Kalau masa rajin, maisya akan sediakan pancake mix ni dlm kuantiti yg banyak sekaligus dan boleh simpan...bila nak buat, just cedok ke adunan tepungnya dan tambah bahan cecair yg lain, so tak perlulah nak sukat gula, tepung etc...jimat masa sikit. Maisya dah cuba byk resepi dari internet utk menyediakan pancake mix ni ...yang maisya perasan, kebanyakan resepi dari negara barat bahan penaik yg digunakan agak byk berbanding dengan resepi dari negara Jepun...kadang-kadang kalau byk sangat letak baking powder ni boleh terasa dalam masakan tu...tak berapa sedap plak jadiknya. Satu lagi perbezaan ialah resepi dari Jepun lebih banyak kandungan gulanya. Sekarang ni selalu pilih resepi yg tak byk sgt guna baking powder. Kat bawah ni beberapa resepi utk pancake mix:
Yang ni guna susu tepung dalam mix dia so bila nak buat tak payah letak susu dah...tapi rasa baking powder dia agak kuat dan jugak masin le...kena kurangkan sukatan garam.
Pancake Mix
recipe from
12 c. flour
4 c. dry instant powdered milk
3/4 c. baking powder
3/4 c. sugar
2 T. salt ( better kurangkan sebab masin )
The recipe for pancake batter is:
1- 1/2 c. of the above mix
1 c. water
1 egg
2 T. oil
*c=cup, T= tablespoon
Yang dua ni belum cuba lagi, saja nak tambah variety utk resepi ni
Homemade Pancake Mix
6 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp baking powder
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
Shake to mix. Store tightly sealed in the refrigerator, and use within three months.
To make pancakes:
Measure 2 cups of mix into a bowl. Add:
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons oil
2 eggs
Stir with wooden spoon until the mix is moistened throughout; be careful not to overmix. Then use as you would pancake batter. Makes 4-5 servings.
Pancake Mix
Recipe from Nigella Lawson.
4 cups flour
3 tablespoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons sugar
Mix the above ingredients together and store in a jar.
For the Batter and the Pancakes
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter, melted
For each 1 cup of pancake mix, add and whisk together the ingredients.
Heat a dry flat griddle or pan—no need to oil it.
Spoon 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of batter onto the hot griddle and, when bubbles appear on the surface of the little pancakes, flip them over to make them golden brown on both sides. A minute or so a side should do it
Selain dari buat pancake( kalau kat jepun dipanggil hotto ke-ki /hot cake )...kat Jepun mereka gunakan pancake mix ni utk buat pelbagai masakan yg friend kat sana; Hanny & Zura rasanya pernah kan buat kek guna pancake mix ni. Maisya pun cuba jugak pelbagai resepi berasaskan pancake mix ni...ada yg ok ada yg tak berapa best ...saja je nak mencuba. Ok, nie antara yg maisya dah cuba:
200g pancake mix
50g cold margarine
50ml cold milk/water
-panaskan oven 170 C
-gaul marjerin dan pancake mix dengan hujung jari hingga jadik seperti breadcrumbs( rub in method)
-tambahkan apa-apa bahan perasa yg disukai contohnya kekacang, kismis, choc chip etc. Gaul rata.
-tuangkan susu dan gaul, jangan uli or overmixed!
-tuangkan adunan atas papan pencanai(tabur tepung sikit)..bentukkan dia jadik bulat dengan ketebalan lebih kurang 2 cm(ingat, jangan uli..just tepuk-tepuk dengan tangan untuk bentukkan dia).
-potong (macam potong kek) kepada 8 bahagian
-susun di atas baking tray, jarakkan sedikit dan bakar selama 12 - 15 minit.
(maisya bakar guna suhu 160 C, api atas dan bawah selama 20 minit)
Ini ada tips utk buat scone. Copied from
How to Make the Perfect Scone
Key #1: Use the right flour. Use a soft, low protein flour—we use a quality pastry flour. You want soft, tender scones and too much protein leads to too much gluten which makes your scones chewy.
Key #2: Keep your ingredients cold. Temperature is critical to buttery, flakey scones. Start with very cold butter—it should chip when you cut it into chunks and your liquids should be ice cold. Before you start, measure your milk or water and put it in the freezer for ten minutes. Consider chilling your mixing bowl before mixing.
Why do your ingredients need to be cold? The objective is to keep the butter a solid and not let it melt into a liquid. If your dough is kept cold, it will have little bits of dispersed butter. In the heat of the oven, that butter melts into the dough but leaves pockets and layers in the scones.
Work with the dough quickly to keep it cool.
Key #3: Don’t work your dough too much. Kneading converts the protein to gluten. Mix only until the ingredients come together into a combined mass.
Key #4: Use a folding technique. For flakey, layered scones, use a folding technique. Roll the dough out to about 3/8-inch thick. Fold the dough in half and in half again and again. Roll the dough out to about 3/4-inch thick before cutting the scones.
Key #5: Use a ruler. If you would like nice, neat scones, use a ruler both as a straightedge to cut against and to measure equally-sized scones.
Key #6: Leave the cut edges of the scones alone. Patting the edges with your fingers melds the edges so that the scone will not rise as nicely or have a flakey, layered structure.
Key #7: Don’t over-bake your scones. Over-baking for even a minute or two will dry your scones out. As soon as the edges begin to turn brown, remove them from the oven. Immediately, place the scones on a wire rack—the hot pan will continue to dry the scones.
More Tips
1. Scones can be frozen for up to three months. Reheat them at 300 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Probe the inside of the scone to make sure that it is warm.
2. You can bake your dough in a single flattened loaf. That’s called a bannock.
3. Scones are best fresh out of the oven. Recipes with more butter keep fresh longer.
4. For the best shape, don’t roll your dough thinner than 1/2-inch.
5. Scones will rise to double their unbaked height in the oven. If they are properly cut, they will spread very little so you can place them close together on the baking sheet.
6. You don’t need to cut your scones to triangles. You can use a cookie cutter or free-hand other shapes.
Mushi-pan atau kalau orang kita panggil apam...resepi ni best, apam pun merekah dengan cantik..bahan-bahannya pun sikit je...dah selalu buat dengan pelbagai perasa, cuma agak terasa baking powdernya...kak Linda pun pernah buat kan resepi ni, kak Linda punya cantik je...sebenarnya maisya tak ikut 100% resepi tu sebab tu kurang cantik kot?Gambar first tu Maisya letak strawberry emulco tapi tak berapa nampak & terasa le plak sebab bubuh sikit sangat. Gambar kedua tu maisya guna gula merah. Nie resepi asalnya:
Green Tea and Soy Milk Mushi-pan
200g pancake mix
150ml susu soya
1 sudu besar madu
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk teh hijau dibancuh dengan 1/2 sudu besar susu soya
Panaskan periuk kukus.
Gaul rata pancake mix, susu soya dan madu.
Bahagi kepada 2 bahagian. 1 bahagian ditambah larutan teh hijau.
Cedok adunan ke dalam acuan yg dilapis dengan papercup berselang-seli antara adunan plain dan adunan teh hijau.
Kukus dengan api yg kuat selama 10 - 15 minit( ikut size )
* boleh tambah 1 - 2 sudu besar vegetable oil atau melted butter jika suka.
Untuk perasa gula merah tu maisya buat macam ni:
Kurou Zatou Mushi-pan( Mushi-pan Gula Merah )
200 g pancake mix
150 ml milk
2 sudu besar gula merah
1 sudu besar minyak
larutkan gula merah dalam susu suam, tapis dan sejukkan. Gaul rata semua bahan dan kukus
Cucur manis ni hasil eksperimen sendiri...just tambahkan air/susu pada pancake mix, tapi adunan kena betul-betul pekat utk dapatkan cucur yg bulat dan comel. Kalau guna pancake mix yg kurang gula tu bolehlah tambah gula sikit or susu pekat ke. Baca review utk resepi ni agak bagus, tapi bila try tak delah best sgt pun...rasa macam cucur bawang yg dibakar dengan oven..he..he..tapi oklah, mengenyangkan...cuma musyhkil sebab nampak gambar-gambar yg org lain buat macam naik tinggi jer...maisya punya cam berat sikit...ada kot salah step kat mana-mana...maisya tak sure adunan tu nak kena gaul sampai sebati/smooth ke or just gaul-gaul ala kadar macam buat muffin tu?
Breakfast Bread
100g pancake mix
1/2 bawang besar
1 telur
3 sudu besar susu/air
cadangan untuk toppingnya:
mayonis,sos,tomato,parsley,shredded cheese,sosej
-panaskan oven 170 C
-gaul rata semua bahan dan tuang ke dalam loyang
-letakkan bahan topping
-bakar selama 25 minit Pancake mix digunakan utk buat tart shell .. not so good, agak lembut.. tapi bolehlah guna kalau time terdesak ke..
Tart Shell
100g pancake mix
40g butter -suhu bilik
1 sudu besar susu
Panaskan oven 180 C.
Pukul butter hingga berkrim, tambahkan pancake mix dan susu. Gaul dengan tangan dan bentukkan jadi seketul doh.
Ambil sedikit dan tekan pada acuan tart. Cucuk-cucuk bahagian tengah dengan garfu.
Bakar hingga separuh masak atau hingga betul-betul masak, bergantung pada inti yg kita nak gunakan. Roti strawberry dan choc ni guna pancake mix utk topping dia sahaja...resepi full utk roti ni akan ditulis kemudian..panjang cara-cara dia so tunggu rajin sikit baru boleh tulis.
pancake tuh nmpk mcm kt kedai.ct buat byk kali,tak jadik,dh give up da
apa nick akak kat forum? Boleh je nak ambik resepi kat sini sebab maisya pun ambik resepi kat forum/blog lain jugak.
mak teh,
tq singgah sini..maisya asal org perak. Nanti share le cara mak teh buat cheese tu...maisya ni baru nak berjinak-jinak dengan dunia masakan ni sebab tu selalu cuba macam-macam, nak tambah ilmu dan pengalaman sikit.
mana tak berderet shima..akak dok peram semua resepi tu, lepas tu update sekali harung je..he...he..
biasa-biasa je la..
jimat tu kira jimat le jugak agaknya, tapi bila harga barang macam tepung semua naik...terasa jugak bahangnya.
awat tak jadi pancake tu? Rupa or rasa yg tak jadiknya?