Panda Bread
300g bread flour
30g sugar
210g (mixture of 1 egg yolk & milk)
4g salt
4g instant yeast
18g butter
8g matcha(green tea) powder mixed in 10g water
8g cocoapowder mixed in 10g water
How to make:
1. Mix all the ingredients and knead using mixer for 10-12 minutes or until a soft, smooth dough forms.
2. Divide the dough into 3 main portions. One for cocoa (1/6 of the totaldough), one for matcha (3/6 of the total dough) and one plain ( 2/6 of the total dough). Proof the dough for the first time for about 30-40minutes. After proofing, punch out the gas and leave the dough to rest for about 10-20 minutes.
3. Divide the cocoa portion into 2 even balls, the plain dough into 3 portions, and the matcha dough into 2 portions.
(see illustration on how to arrange the dough here Cookpad: Panda Bread)
4. Leave to proof for second time and bake in a preheated oven of 180-200deg for 25-30 minutes
hanny, nanti buat jgn lupa ambik gambo ye.