Caramel Cheesecake

Sempena birthday hubby semalam, buat Caramel Cheesecake. Resepi dari blog FA. Maisya tukar base tu guna biskut, resepi asal kena buat macam kek/brownies utk basenya. My karamel macam tak berapa jadik je...warna dia tak cantik la...tak shiny. Maisya cuma buat separuh adunan je.

Caramel Cheesecake

Caramel :
butter 120g diced
brown sugar 220g
whipping cream 200ml

Base : (maisya tak buat base ni)
butter 60g
brown sugar 30g
dark chocolate 125g chopped
lemon juice 2tsp mixed with 50ml milk, left for 5 min
eggs 2 lightly beaten
instant coffee powder 2tsp mixed with 1 tsp hot water
vanilla flavour 1/2 tsp
plain flour 60g sifted
cocoa powder 30g sifted
bicabornate soda 1/4 tsp
walnuts 100g.toasted and chopped

Filling :
cream cheese 500g diced
cornflour 2Tbsp+2 tsp sifted
vanilla 1tsp
whipping cream 200 ml
eggs 4 lighly beaten


1. Combine butter and brown sugar and stir over low heat until sugar dissolves wihtout boiling. Stir in whipping cream. Bring to boil. The simmer,uncovered. for 8 min stirring continuosly. Remove from heat and set a side to cool.

1. Melt butter,sugar and chocolate over double boil. Stir until smooth.remove from heat. Stir in lemon juice mixture. Add eggs,coffee mixture and vanilla. Stir until combined. Add in sifted ingredients and mix until smooth
2. Preheat oven to 180 degree.Grease base of a round 23 cm springform cake pan with 1 Tbsp butter. Sprinkles with flour. Cover the bottom of cake pan with aluminium foil.
3. Pour mixture in and base and bake for 10 min.
4. Remove the pan from oven and spread one third of caramel on base. Decorate the top with walnut and set aside.
5. Lower oven temperature to 150 degree.

1. Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add one third of caramel and combines. Add in cornflour and vanilla. Mix until smooth.add cream and beat until mixture thickens. Gradually pour in eggs and mix until just combined.
2.Pour filling on base.Place cake pan in water bath.bake for 1 hour. After 1 hour,turn oven off. Leave cake in oven for 30 min with door closed. Remove water bath but leave cake to cool completely in oven with door ajar.

Heat remaining caramel over low heat and pour on warm cake. Decorate with walnut. Refrigerated for at least 6 hours

Untuk basenya Maisya guna resepi ni, saja nak try resepi ni...boleh je guna biskut apa-apa yg jual kat kedai tu.

Cocoa cookie

cookie untuk cheesecake yg saiz 18 cm

Bahan-bahan ( 18cm )
70g tepung gandum
10g cocoa powder (maisya guna 15g)
40g gula halus (maisya guna soft brown sugar)
50g butter/shortening
10-20ml fresh milk/air - adjust kekerasannya

Masukkan semua bahan-bahan dari atas ke bawah ke dalam beg plastik. Ramas-ramas biar semuanya bercampur.
Canaikan biar setebal 5mm
Potong-potong bentuk 4 segi.
Kemudian bakar dalam oven pada suhu 180C selama 12minit(maisya bakar guna 160C selama 15 minit). Keluarkan dan sejukkan.
Bila dah sejuk tu, patah-patah/hancurkan dengan belakang gelas.
Gaulkan dengan lebih kurang 50g butter kemudian tekan dalam loyang utk buat base cheesecake(alas loyang dengan aluminum foil)

*Untuk resepi caramel cheesecake ni tuangkan 1/3 dari caramel atas base ni lepas tu baru tuang filling cheesenya.


Aishah@Ariffin@Aqil berkata…
nampak menarik nih...
yumna berkata…
salam kenal kak maisya.. yumna link blog akak kat my fp ek..
soulha,cairo berkata…
Semoga Murah rezeki sekelurga..


thnk Q roti tu..
Maisya berkata…
sedap tapi cheesecake ni tak boleh makan byk-byk.

boleh aje..
